sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010

Compound sentences

8 comentarios:

  1. Hi...
    This video is very important because it helps us to better understand the topic (Compound sentences).
    Thanks teacher.

  2. teacher

    thank you for this video, it`s really intesesting for learning a well English language.

  3. this topic was easy understand because tha explanation was very complete.
    luis rendon.

  4. it is a good way for understand better

  5. Hello teacher. Well I think that with this kind of videos, we could undertand and run trough the topics that we have seen in class, and it is so important to us. In my opinion we should practice more.

  6. Hello teacher, all this audiovisual material is very useful for is in order to develop our skills in the english languaje.
    Thank you.

  7. Hello teacher, all this audiovisual material is very useful for us in order to develop our skills in the english languaje.
    Thank you.

  8. teacher thanks for the video, it is very interesting, the 4 examples allow to understand better the topic and the use of the diferents conjunctions.
